Ethereal Wavelength

Ethereal Wavelength.png

Broadcasts bombard our daily reality; remember, listen for the light.

There are so many signals and messages that drift around us. It can be hard to tell what is true and real. Predators feed on this uncertainty. Casting misinformation to gain emotional clout against rationality. Wielding ignorant fear to gain power and control. All in the belief that they are superior. That with their guidance, the manipulated will gain prestige and wealth. Prosperity being just around the corner. But that is a lie. An illusion meant to conceal their true intentions. They wish to rob you of your light. For that is the only way they can truly be better than those around them. By blinding others with emotion, the predators rise from the confusion with stolen good will and disingenuous authority.

A plea for emotion is not necessarily bad. The key to an emotional appeal should be empathy. The recognition of light within others. Tuning into another’s frequency allows for an expansion of knowledge and understanding. Resonance with others is fundamental to the experience of life and helps foster an environment of unity. Connection is truly inspirational. It gives birth to aspirations of greater path forward. A path that all can travel without fear of being taken advantage of. There is no authority, just community.

The reasons we choose to communicate are just as important as the ideas and emotions we share. Be wary of those that seek to weaponize your mind and heart. They do not want to better you. They only seek to advance their own goals. Instead, engage with the intention to understand others. Bonding together enriches our lives and helps us find meaning in the void. Do not be afraid to tune into another frequency. Listen for the light inside others.


The Radiant Path


Adrift In Reality