Jodius Fuqua Jodius Fuqua

Nowhere Awakens

A future of artistry awaits

The Casual Savages Collective have gone silent. The Museum of Nowhere has reopened, albeit with reduced displays. White Mask’s Hall of Reflections will be opening soon. In a relatively short amount of time, the once reclusive atmosphere that hanged over this place has been pierced with vibrant openness as the creative hermits break out of their shells. I have always felt that there was a hidden culture to Nebula Nowhere, but the denizens are just too spread out so there is not much interaction between them. The Stellis are the only ones with any kind of widespread impact but even then, its only referenced by those who agree with the Stellis culture. But now there this movement. A great wave of opportunity for the invisible and unheard to be appreciated. It truly is a beautiful moment of growth for Neb’No that I wished I could thank someone for.

Despite my investigation, I have not uncovered any direct reason for this phenomenon but the closest theory going around is that there is a new prism [Link out to prism page]. This would be particularly intriguing as there has not been a new prism for some time. The most notable would be The Sage, who resides within a vast cavern that has be converted into a library. White Mask is also believed to be a prism but there has been no evidence to prove this. Prisms are important as denizens see them as a bridge to the outside worlds. This thought helps grounds, comforting them that Neb’No is not a dream. But, The Sage, and possibly White Mask, can only see into other universes. They cannot affect what they see.  With this new prism, denizens finally have way to reach out to those not trapped within our cosmic conundrum. No creative is going to waste this opportunity.

Whoever triggered this change, I want to thank you. There is a new age coming to Nebula Nowhere. One of great art and empowerment.

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Interviews, Knowing Light Jodius Fuqua Interviews, Knowing Light Jodius Fuqua

A Talk with The White Mask

The illusive man has some words to share.

The illusive man has some words to share.

On a lone floating rock stands a building with high towers and arches. Many denizens tend to stay away for this building given its intimidating presence and the resident of it doesn’t help either. Known simply as White Mask, the enigmatic figure is known to be one of the oldest denizens of Nebula Nowhere. He doesn’t travel out all to often and even when he does, he interacts with as few people as possible. So, imagine my surprise when I get a messaged saying that he would like me to interview him. How could I say no?

Me: For those out there that don’t know who are you, would you like to introduce yourself?

White Mask: I am no one. [the masked man laughs.] I’m merely a man. Nothing too special. I know that makes me less unique than the various species and beings that call this expanse home but not everyone has to be extraordinary. Granted this place challenges the very ideal of ordinary as if breaking the status quo is its mission.

Me: You believe that Nebula Nowhere has a purpose?

White Mask: Yes. I don’t know for what purpose though. But I believe that everyone here was chosen to be here for some reason. It’s kinda hard not to notice when you factor in how beings just end up here. I’ve yet to encounter a denizen that says that they were meant to come here.

Me: I hope you don’t mind me asking but how did you get here?

White Mask: Well that’s a question with no real answer. One day I was living in my world, living my life like normal. The next thing I know, I wake up here. In Nowhere. I don’t know how long I’ve been here. I don’t even think that I’ve aged. The only reason I can give for my existence here is that I was chosen.

Me: Would you say that you have a mission?

White Mask: It would be arrogant for me to say that I alone have a mission. I’m just have a part in the mission of Nebula Nowhere. You have your part in this mission, as well. That is why I contacted you for this interview. The Light spoke to me. Said I need to become involved. That my era of solitude was coming to an end and there will be those that need my wisdom.

Me: So, the Star of Novalos speaks to you also? Have you spoken to the Stellis? And what do you believe the Light is?

White Mask: As the Stellis would say, ‘The Light speaks to us all. It is upon us to listen and see what guidance has to offer.’ While I may not be as devoted to the Star of Novalos as the Stellis, I do believe it is meant to do more than just illuminate the Nebula Nowhere. My belief is more metaphorical than literal like the Stellis. As you know, the Stellis are the only one that can hear it naturally. For everyone else, it takes a little more interpretation and self-reflection. It speaks to me through my dreams. For you it may be pointing you to certain leads and discoveries. But I still feel the guidance the Light provide is meant to enrich our lives.

Me: Are you dreams what you depict in the stained-glass work that you do? And I’m not prying too much why do you reside in this building? I’ve heard others refer to it as a cathedral.

White Mask: You ask pretty direct questions. [He laughs amused.] But, yes. When I sleep, I’m randomly struck with inspiration and I create stained-glass interpretations of those dreams. And a cathedral is the natural home for stained-glass. If I had the hand for making frescoes, then I would have them as decoration as well. [He laughs some more.] I should add, for those that are familiar with cathedrals and their purpose, that my work isn’t religious or meant to indoctrinate. I simply like the Gothic aesthetic as it is based in inspiring awe and using light to enhance the observer’s experience.  

Me: If your care about the observer’s experience, do you have any intention for allowing people to visit this place?

White Mask: Yes, I still have some preparations to do but soon, denizens and travelers will be able to walk this cathedral and be in awe. I hope the way the Light inspired me inspires them to seek their own creativity.

Me: Final question: What do you think the future of Nebula Nowhere holds?

White Mask: [Long pause] Light. [He smiles.]

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Lore of Nowhere Jodius Fuqua Lore of Nowhere Jodius Fuqua

Knowing the Light: The Stellis and the Sonic of Light


Voice on the Mountain, Unknown Artist, Acrylic on Canvas, Unknown Year of Creation

One of the few paintings that weren’t harmed during the art bombing of The Museum of Nowhere. Possibly due to its connection to ‘The Light.’

Quite often, you will hear denizens of Nebula Nowhere make reference to knowing light. And despite the years that I have been here, I still don’t know what that means. The only thing I can devise is it’s linked to some form of philosophy or religion. My confusion of the subject may make me one of the worst individuals to discuss it., but, its one of the key mysteries of Neb’No that any denizen or traveler should be informed about, so I’m creating a series to focus on ‘Knowing The Light.’

Reigning above the center of Nebula Nowhere rest an ever-changing star referred to as Novalos. It behave unlike any star that I have ever known, lighting everything within the realm with its prismatic radiance. There is a wide spread belief that the star has a voice and speaks to those that can become attune to a special spiritual state. This belief stems from a group of people known as the Stellis.

The Stellis were one of the first complete civilizations to enter Neb’No after their home planet was destroyed. As a species, they have developed the ability to perceive sound as wavelengths of light, an evolutionary attribute they associate to their immigration to Nebula Nowhere. After they crossed over into Neb’No, their entire civilization under went a massive shift in their belief structure as they attempted to understand how they wound up here. Once a technology focused culture, the Stellis have shed that dependence in favor of having their technology work in harmony with world around them instead of as a way to circumvent nature. They say the journey wasn’t easy but, they now feel a great calmness and sense of completion.

The Stellis described the radiance of Novalos as a guiding light away from the darkness of isolation. Each color on the spectrum is attached to an emotion and is meant to comfort the observer and help them focus on and explore their feelings. An individual can have multiple revelations over the course of their lives and the Stellis believe that is goal. The complete cycle of emotional confrontations is called the Revolution. A being that has achieved their personal revolution is revered and called to help others on their path to completion.

Being one of the oldest denizens, beings who have stumbled into Neb’No flock to the Stellis to learn if they can hear light. The Stellis are honest to all that approach them saying it is not possible on a genetic level. But they happily teach the willing what they have learn. I can’t personal attest to if a non-Stellis can gain the ability to hear Novalos, but the Casual Savage Collective are known to have attune to the radiant waves.

Anyways, that will conclude part one of the Knowing The Light series. I’m very excited about the next part as I’ve score an exclusive interview with one of the most enigmatic presences of Nebula Nowhere.

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Jodius Fuqua Jodius Fuqua

The Savages Speak

Breaking their silence to break the world

Boy! Do I have an exclusive! The Casual Savage Collective invited me to their hideout to conduct an interview. Besides discussing their attack on The Musuem of Nowhere, they seem to be planning something big for the rest of Nebula Nowhere. They didn’t reveal any details though, so be on the lookout for anything unusual. Anyways, lets get to the interview.

Chron: I’m not gonna beat around the bush, so I’m gonna start off with the question on everyone’s mind; Why did you attack the Museum of Nowhere?"

Omni the Oni: ‘Simply put, we do not appreciate false prophets. Apella Da Tella is just that. A charlatan parading his novice poetry beside works that he had no hand in creating. He is pitiful. A stain against true creative vision.’

Chron: While I see your point, there are many out there that felt his curation and interpretation created it’s own experience. What do you have to say to those that appreciated and supported his work?

Omni the Oni: ‘They are equally as pitiful. They are willingly amused by shadows. Trapped and blinded from the real. Nebula Nowhere does not need individuals that will leech off the creativity of others. That is why we attacked the so called museum. We wanted to free the minds of the gullible that were ensnared by Apella’s.

Chron: Why do you feel that you are the arbiters of freedom and creativity? You compare the patrons of the Museum of Nowhere to the mindless mass, yet if you ask them, many will say that they are enlightened and are free to choose what they like and don’t like.

Omni the Oni: ‘They do not know the true light. If they cannot see past facade of a conman, then they are not free. They would rather stay in the safe, warm orbit of false star then traverse the cold void to become a star of their own.’

Chron: Do you hate these kind of individuals?

Casanova Rogue: ‘That’s a stupid question.’

Omni the Oni: ‘We do not hate people. We hate the ideas and thoughts that cloud and insulate their minds. The actions of beings like Apella only reinforce those toxic beliefs.’

Casanova Rogue: ‘Look, I’ll put it in simpler terms for the small minded. We are the cleansing fire. Before us will burn the twisted forest of the wicked that seduce and ensnare our brethren. Within the ashes, the lost will find clarity and see the sun once more. That freedom is peace. And all deserve to be embrace by its serene bliss.’

Chron: That’s still a little cryptic.

Casanova Rogue: ‘I told you he wasn’t ready.’

Omni the Oni: ‘It matters not. All will hear the light eventually.’

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Jodius Fuqua Jodius Fuqua

Artistry Defaced! The Local Museum Assaulted by Artistic Terrorists

There is nothing casual about this savagery

Ran by inter-dimensional wordsmith, Apella da Tella, and artistic A.I., The Visionary, The Museum of Nowhere has been an emerging beacon of culture in Nebula Nowhere. Guest have been awed by the pairings eye for abstract art of mesmerizing colors and resonant poems that accompany some of the pieces. The creative duo have really struck a chord in the minds and hearts of denizens and travelers alike as being the premier artistic leaders of Neb’No. So, it shouldn’t surprise anyone, that they have been the target of an art bombing by the infamous Casual Savage Collective.

Self defined rebel artists, The Casual Savage Collective have been making waves with what they call art bombing (random act of graffiti on building, landscapes, or just about any surface they deem worthy.) There seems to be no rhyme or reason for their creative assaults but one could speculate they want more notoriety. The distraught curator had this to say ‘These malignants are not artists or intellectuals. They are merely attention seeking hooligans that want to deface true artistry. While I am mad and disgruntled by their actions, I am more upset that the denizens of Neb’no have loss access to culture. I’m going to close the museum as I try to salvage what art remains untouched.’

It should be noted that the CS Collective only targeted the art associated with Apella’s poetry. One could only speculate they reason behind this but I’ve reached out for comment from the Collective but have not received any word yet. This is truly a momentous day for the culture of Nebula Nowhere. I for one will be waiting for the reopening of the Museum of Nowhere. But, I’m even more intrigued by what the CS Collective have planned next. Whatever happens, Nowhere awaits.

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Jodius Fuqua Jodius Fuqua

First Issue Means An Introduction

There are many things about Nebula Nowhere that one being may never know. But that’s no excuse to avoid adventure and uncover whatever truths lay over the horizon. My name is Chron. Since being stranded here in Nebula Nowhere, I have spent my time investigating this mysterious place. Now, I’m not claiming to be the foremost expert on Neb’No (local Short hand for Nebula Nowhere) but I do know a few things and people across this vast expanse.

Which lead me to this., The Nowhere Chronicle, your written guide to the events and history of Nebula Nowhere. In less fancy speak, its basically a newspaper. There’s a lot that happens here in Neb’no that I think travelers and outsiders would be interested in keeping tabs on. I’m also working on creating a small history from the information I gathered, so look forward to that.

Well, that does it for my introduction. I hope you readers enjoy learning more about Nebula Nowhere and the strange occurrences and people that call this place home. Chron out.

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