The Savages Speak

Breaking their silence to break the world

Boy! Do I have an exclusive! The Casual Savage Collective invited me to their hideout to conduct an interview. Besides discussing their attack on The Musuem of Nowhere, they seem to be planning something big for the rest of Nebula Nowhere. They didn’t reveal any details though, so be on the lookout for anything unusual. Anyways, lets get to the interview.

Chron: I’m not gonna beat around the bush, so I’m gonna start off with the question on everyone’s mind; Why did you attack the Museum of Nowhere?"

Omni the Oni: ‘Simply put, we do not appreciate false prophets. Apella Da Tella is just that. A charlatan parading his novice poetry beside works that he had no hand in creating. He is pitiful. A stain against true creative vision.’

Chron: While I see your point, there are many out there that felt his curation and interpretation created it’s own experience. What do you have to say to those that appreciated and supported his work?

Omni the Oni: ‘They are equally as pitiful. They are willingly amused by shadows. Trapped and blinded from the real. Nebula Nowhere does not need individuals that will leech off the creativity of others. That is why we attacked the so called museum. We wanted to free the minds of the gullible that were ensnared by Apella’s.

Chron: Why do you feel that you are the arbiters of freedom and creativity? You compare the patrons of the Museum of Nowhere to the mindless mass, yet if you ask them, many will say that they are enlightened and are free to choose what they like and don’t like.

Omni the Oni: ‘They do not know the true light. If they cannot see past facade of a conman, then they are not free. They would rather stay in the safe, warm orbit of false star then traverse the cold void to become a star of their own.’

Chron: Do you hate these kind of individuals?

Casanova Rogue: ‘That’s a stupid question.’

Omni the Oni: ‘We do not hate people. We hate the ideas and thoughts that cloud and insulate their minds. The actions of beings like Apella only reinforce those toxic beliefs.’

Casanova Rogue: ‘Look, I’ll put it in simpler terms for the small minded. We are the cleansing fire. Before us will burn the twisted forest of the wicked that seduce and ensnare our brethren. Within the ashes, the lost will find clarity and see the sun once more. That freedom is peace. And all deserve to be embrace by its serene bliss.’

Chron: That’s still a little cryptic.

Casanova Rogue: ‘I told you he wasn’t ready.’

Omni the Oni: ‘It matters not. All will hear the light eventually.’


Knowing the Light: The Stellis and the Sonic of Light


Artistry Defaced! The Local Museum Assaulted by Artistic Terrorists