Nowhere Awakens
A future of artistry awaits
The Casual Savages Collective have gone silent. The Museum of Nowhere has reopened, albeit with reduced displays. White Mask’s Hall of Reflections will be opening soon. In a relatively short amount of time, the once reclusive atmosphere that hanged over this place has been pierced with vibrant openness as the creative hermits break out of their shells. I have always felt that there was a hidden culture to Nebula Nowhere, but the denizens are just too spread out so there is not much interaction between them. The Stellis are the only ones with any kind of widespread impact but even then, its only referenced by those who agree with the Stellis culture. But now there this movement. A great wave of opportunity for the invisible and unheard to be appreciated. It truly is a beautiful moment of growth for Neb’No that I wished I could thank someone for.
Despite my investigation, I have not uncovered any direct reason for this phenomenon but the closest theory going around is that there is a new prism [Link out to prism page]. This would be particularly intriguing as there has not been a new prism for some time. The most notable would be The Sage, who resides within a vast cavern that has be converted into a library. White Mask is also believed to be a prism but there has been no evidence to prove this. Prisms are important as denizens see them as a bridge to the outside worlds. This thought helps grounds, comforting them that Neb’No is not a dream. But, The Sage, and possibly White Mask, can only see into other universes. They cannot affect what they see. With this new prism, denizens finally have way to reach out to those not trapped within our cosmic conundrum. No creative is going to waste this opportunity.
Whoever triggered this change, I want to thank you. There is a new age coming to Nebula Nowhere. One of great art and empowerment.