A Talk with The White Mask
The illusive man has some words to share.
The illusive man has some words to share.
On a lone floating rock stands a building with high towers and arches. Many denizens tend to stay away for this building given its intimidating presence and the resident of it doesn’t help either. Known simply as White Mask, the enigmatic figure is known to be one of the oldest denizens of Nebula Nowhere. He doesn’t travel out all to often and even when he does, he interacts with as few people as possible. So, imagine my surprise when I get a messaged saying that he would like me to interview him. How could I say no?
Me: For those out there that don’t know who are you, would you like to introduce yourself?
White Mask: I am no one. [the masked man laughs.] I’m merely a man. Nothing too special. I know that makes me less unique than the various species and beings that call this expanse home but not everyone has to be extraordinary. Granted this place challenges the very ideal of ordinary as if breaking the status quo is its mission.
Me: You believe that Nebula Nowhere has a purpose?
White Mask: Yes. I don’t know for what purpose though. But I believe that everyone here was chosen to be here for some reason. It’s kinda hard not to notice when you factor in how beings just end up here. I’ve yet to encounter a denizen that says that they were meant to come here.
Me: I hope you don’t mind me asking but how did you get here?
White Mask: Well that’s a question with no real answer. One day I was living in my world, living my life like normal. The next thing I know, I wake up here. In Nowhere. I don’t know how long I’ve been here. I don’t even think that I’ve aged. The only reason I can give for my existence here is that I was chosen.
Me: Would you say that you have a mission?
White Mask: It would be arrogant for me to say that I alone have a mission. I’m just have a part in the mission of Nebula Nowhere. You have your part in this mission, as well. That is why I contacted you for this interview. The Light spoke to me. Said I need to become involved. That my era of solitude was coming to an end and there will be those that need my wisdom.
Me: So, the Star of Novalos speaks to you also? Have you spoken to the Stellis? And what do you believe the Light is?
White Mask: As the Stellis would say, ‘The Light speaks to us all. It is upon us to listen and see what guidance has to offer.’ While I may not be as devoted to the Star of Novalos as the Stellis, I do believe it is meant to do more than just illuminate the Nebula Nowhere. My belief is more metaphorical than literal like the Stellis. As you know, the Stellis are the only one that can hear it naturally. For everyone else, it takes a little more interpretation and self-reflection. It speaks to me through my dreams. For you it may be pointing you to certain leads and discoveries. But I still feel the guidance the Light provide is meant to enrich our lives.
Me: Are you dreams what you depict in the stained-glass work that you do? And I’m not prying too much why do you reside in this building? I’ve heard others refer to it as a cathedral.
White Mask: You ask pretty direct questions. [He laughs amused.] But, yes. When I sleep, I’m randomly struck with inspiration and I create stained-glass interpretations of those dreams. And a cathedral is the natural home for stained-glass. If I had the hand for making frescoes, then I would have them as decoration as well. [He laughs some more.] I should add, for those that are familiar with cathedrals and their purpose, that my work isn’t religious or meant to indoctrinate. I simply like the Gothic aesthetic as it is based in inspiring awe and using light to enhance the observer’s experience.
Me: If your care about the observer’s experience, do you have any intention for allowing people to visit this place?
White Mask: Yes, I still have some preparations to do but soon, denizens and travelers will be able to walk this cathedral and be in awe. I hope the way the Light inspired me inspires them to seek their own creativity.
Me: Final question: What do you think the future of Nebula Nowhere holds?
White Mask: [Long pause] Light. [He smiles.]