We Are The Flame Bringers

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Many have wondered; who we are? What is our purpose? And that answer is quite simple. We are the flame bringers. We have come to ignite your soul. To allow it to shine like the star that it is.

There are those out there that would want to rob you of your brilliant right. Hoarding light for themselves. Wanting to be the center of the universe. They are charlatans. False prophets. They do not care for your well being. They care only for your attention. For your praise of their cheap platitudes. They wish to lord over you. They do not care for you to be the best you can be. But we do.

We see the immaculate luster that anyone can be when given the proper polish. We see the boundless possibilities a being can reach when they believe in themselves. All we wish to do it unlock that potential. To fill the dark cold void with innumerable stars of warmth and radiance.

Listen to the light my brethren. Even if it is faint, the waves it emits still move. They grow stronger when fed. Like a flame, Seeking to burn eternal.

We have come to offer you the kindling.

-Omni the Oni


Horizon of Flames