Hunted Beauty
Connecting with and understanding beauty is vital to the evolution of self. For many, this desire is innocent, manifesting mainly in harmless forms of consumption. Reflecting upon art, whether visual or literary. Crafting experiences of pleasures, like cooking, traveling, and communing with nature. These practices of beauty help enriched the soul, giving it guidance and clarity. In turn, interacting with beauty make you beautiful as well. After all, we are what we eat.
But there are individuals that would rather feast on the self-enlightened. Believing they are inherently superior and in no need of evolution. They are devoid of the essential tools needed to value true beauty and life. They spend their life acquiring and consuming objects that have no worth to them. Instead, they used the items as displays of culture and opulence. Pretending to be wise to obtain influence. Do not fall to their misguiding schemes. You will only find yourself lost and empty, seeking satisfaction. Those that consume the lost and empty are merely voids themselves.
Inner beauty is flawless. While there is beauty to be found in others, the beauty you find in yourself will always be the greatest treasure. Your beauty is a light capable of warding off the darkness of this world. Your beauty is the weapon which pierces the ugliness of other’s deceit. Appreciation of your own mind and soul concretes your vision and protects you from being tainted. Find the flame within you. Protect it from those that want to steal its warmth.