Phoenix Flow
Life is a never-ending cycle; rebirth is the only path forward.
Ever dawn has a dusk. Every dusk has a dawn. A beautiful cycle of light and dark. Highs and lows. A perfect reflection of our lives. As our worlds spin, our perceptions ebb and flow between positivity and negativity. Our day to day interactions impact our understanding of our experiences, from small acts of kindness we may perform or be the recipient, to the frantic lashings of pent up anger and resentment. No two days are every a like despite the mundanity that fills between notable events. Everyday has the potential of changing one’s perspective. The joy of one day will not last. The mistake of today does not define one’s complete future. The dawn is the birth of one version and the dusk is that version’s death. A being is not beholden to be the same day after day. One should always seek to grow wiser, more resilient, renewed into a better version of one’s self. One prepared for the changing situations of the coming present. Obtain the soul of the phoenix. Flow with life.
Our dusk has come for now. But we will see you all at our new dawn. In the meantime, remember to burn. Shine so bright, so relentlessly, that other people cannot ignore your brilliance. But no not be arrogant, believing yourself more deserving of admiration. Foster the flame of others so they may shine with you and make the universal void a bit brighter. And, like a chain of beacons, star after star will be bolstered and their light magnified. The darkness of the universe will retreat. Unable to match the magnificent majesty of a universe of pure flames. A light ever reaching. A light eternal.